Health Campaigns

In this section, we provide an overview of the various health programs and initiatives undertaken by the QGroup Foundation.

Empowering Women's Health Campaign

This campaign stands as a big commitment of the QGroup Foundation to foster good health and well-being for women in The Gambia.

In strategic partnership with Cancer Confrontation Care and Consolation (C3G), this campaign embodies our dedication to raising awareness and providing essential health services, particularly focused on breast and cervical cancer screenings. By addressing critical health concerns and advocating for early detection, we are empowering women to take control of their health journeys.

Furthermore, the program includes comprehensive health education sessions on the proper use and maintenance of masks. We collaborate with healthcare experts to conduct training sessions and disseminate information on the significance of wearing masks, hand hygiene, and other essential preventive practices.

Our Impact

  • "Empowering Women's Health" transcends numbers and statistics. By participating in the campaign, we are fostering a culture of early detection and preventive healthcare practices.
  • Through our collaboration with C3G, we have successfully conducted screenings for hundreds of women, identifying potential health concerns and enabling timely interventions.
  • The campaign's impact goes beyond the screenings themselves. It has sparked conversations, ignited hope, and empowered women to prioritize their health. By bringing awareness to breast and cervical cancer

Mask-up Campaign

This program is a proactive health initiative launched by the QGroup Foundation in 2021 to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Mask-up Campaign is built on the core belief that individual actions can collectively contribute to safeguarding public health during challenging times. The program entails the distribution of high-quality, reusable masks to critical institutions that serve as hubs for public gatherings, such as hospitals, schools, and security centers. By equipping these institutions with masks, we strive to create a safer environment for staff, students, and visitors.

Furthermore, the program includes comprehensive health education sessions on the proper use and maintenance of masks. We collaborate with healthcare experts to conduct training sessions and disseminate information on the significance of wearing masks, hand hygiene, and other essential preventive practices.

Our Impact

The “Mask-up for Public Health” program has empowered front line workers, students, and security personnel to safeguard themselves and others while fulfilling their essential responsibilities.

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Masks donated

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Institutions donated to


As a result of the collective efforts under this program, there has been a decline in the number of COVID-19 cases within the targeted institutions. The “Mask-up for Public Health” program has set a precedent for proactive health interventions during challenging times and continues to foster a strong sense of community resilience in the face of adversity.


We are profoundly thankful to the QGroup for this significant donation. Protecting Health Frontline Workers is fundamental and a prerequisite for continued offering services at our health institutions.

Dr. Babanding Sabally- Representative of the Health Ministry